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Chinese trade union constitution

(Adopted at the 17th National Congress of the Trade Union of China on October 26, 2018)


总 则

  The Chinese trade union is a mass organization of the working class under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which is voluntarily associated with the workers and workers. It is a bridge and bond between the Party and the workers and workers, an important social pillar of the state power, and a representative of the interests of its members and workers。

  Chinese trade unions take the Constitution as the fundamental principle of their activities, carry out their work independently in accordance with the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and the present Articles of Association, and exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations according to law。

  The working class is China's leading class, the representative of the advanced productive forces and production relations, the most solid and reliable class foundation for the Communist Party of China, the main force for reform, opening up and socialist modernization, and a powerful and concentrated social force for maintaining social stability。Chinese trade unions hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Implement the Party's focus on economic construction,Adhere to the four cardinal principles,Adhere to the basic line of reform and opening up,Maintain and enhance political nature, advanced nature and mass character,We will unswervingly follow the path of developing socialist trade unions with Chinese characteristics,To promote the implementation of the fundamental guideline of the Party's wholehearted reliance on the working class,Fully perform the social functions of trade unions,While safeguarding the overall interests of the Chinese people,To better express and defend the specific interests of employees,We should unite and mobilize workers across the country to work hard and be self-reliant,Uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics,We will strive to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, make China a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

  China's trade unions adhere to the conscious acceptance of the leadership of the Communist Party of China, assume the political responsibility of uniting and guiding the workers and workers to listen to and follow the Party, and consolidate and expand the class and mass foundation of the Party's governance。

  The basic duty of Chinese trade unions is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and serve them wholeheartedly。

  China's trade unions are organized in accordance with the "Five-in-one" overall layout and the "four-pronged" strategy for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,We will pursue innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development,Grasp the theme of the workers' movement era in order to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Promote the spirit of model workers, labor, and artisans,Mobilize and organize workers to take an active part in construction and reform,Strive to promote economic, political, cultural, social and ecological progress;To represent and organize workers to participate in the administration of state and social affairs,To participate in the democratic management of enterprises, institutions and organs;Educate employees to practice core socialist values,Constantly improve the ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and technical skills quality,We will carry out reforms to improve the workforce of industrial workers,We will build a workforce with ideals, morality, culture and discipline,Constantly developing the advanced nature of the working class。

  Chinese trade unions take it as their duty to be loyal to the Party's cause and to serve workers wholeheartedly,We will adhere to the principle of organizing ourselves and effectively protecting our rights,Adhere to the concept of employee-oriented, active and scientific rights protection according to law,We will promote the improvement of socialist labor laws,To safeguard the economic, political, cultural and social rights of employees,To participate in the coordination of labor relations and social interests,We will promote harmonious labor relations,We will promote high-quality economic development and long-term social stability,To maintain the unity of the working class and trade union organizations,To contribute to the construction of a harmonious socialist society。

  Chinese trade unions safeguard the socialist state power of the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, assist the people's government in its work, and play its role in democratic participation and social supervision in accordance with the law。

  Chinese trade unions are in enterprises and public institutions,In accordance with the principle of promoting the development of enterprises and safeguarding the rights and interests of employees,We will support the exercise of administrative power in accordance with the law,Organize workers to participate in democratic management and supervision,Establish a system of consultation with the administration,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees,Arouse the enthusiasm of employees,Promote the development of enterprises and undertakings。

  Chinese trade unions practice the principle of combining industry and local leadership and adhere to democratic centralism。

  China's trade unions continue to strengthen their own construction in the spirit of reform and innovation, build a working system with extensive contacts and serve workers, strengthen the functions of solidarity education, safeguarding rights and interests, and serving workers, adhere to mass and democratic efforts, maintain close ties with the members and rely on the members to carry out trade union work。Trade union leading organs at all levels insist on focusing their work on the grass-roots level,We worked hard to expand coverage and enhance representation,We will strengthen our sense of service and improve our ability to defend our rights,Efforts will be made to strengthen team building and improve the level of security,We will continue to serve the working life of the masses,Serve the grassroots and employees wholeheartedly,Building smart unions,Strengthen the attractiveness and cohesion of grassroots trade unions,We will make trade unions more dynamic and strong,Become a learning, service-oriented, innovative "home of workers" trusted by the masses of workers。

  The enterprises and undertakings set up by trade unions shall adhere to the nature of public welfare and service, and shall serve the reform and opening up, the development of social productive forces, the working masses and the promotion of the cause of labor movement。

  The Chinese trade unions strive to consolidate and develop the alliance of workers and peasants, uphold the broadest possible patriotic united front, strengthen the great unity of the people of all ethnic groups in China, including compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, and promote the reunification, prosperity and strength of the motherland。

  In international affairs, Chinese trade unions adhere to the principles of independence, mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences, strengthening cooperation and enhancing friendship,On the basis of the principles of independence, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs,Extensively establish and develop friendly relations with international and national trade union organizations,We will actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative,To enhance the friendship between the working class of our country and the working class of other countries,With workers and trade unions all over the world,To play a role in promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind,To work together for world peace, development, cooperation, workers' rights and social progress。

  Chinese trade unions implement the general requirements of Party building in the new era,Take the Party's political construction as the guide,Comprehensively strengthen Party building,Enhance political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,We should have confidence in our path, our theories, our system, and our culture,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership,在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。

Chapter One: Members

  Article 1 Any enterprise, institution, government organ or other social organization within the territory of China,Manual and mental workers whose main source of livelihood is wage income or who have established labor relations with the employing unit,Regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, occupation, religious belief, education level,Recognition of trade union constitution,Can join a trade union as a member。

  Article 2 An employee shall apply for membership in a trade union voluntarily and shall be approved by the basic committee of the trade union and issued a membership card。

  Article 3 Members shall enjoy the following rights:

  (1) The right to vote, to stand for election and to vote。

  (2) To supervise the work of the trade union, put forward opinions and suggestions, and demand the removal or dismissal of incompetent trade union staff。

  (3) To make criticisms and suggestions on the problems of the state and social life and the work of the unit, and require the trade union organization to truthfully reflect them to the relevant parties。

  (4) Demand protection from the trade union when its legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon。

  (5) Preferential treatment provided by the trade union for culture, education, sports, tourism, recuperation, mutual assistance, living assistance, legal services, employment services, etc.;Various incentives given by the union。

  (6) To participate in discussions on trade union work and issues of concern to employees at trade union meetings and trade union media。

  Article 4 Members shall perform the following obligations:


  (2) Actively participate in democratic management, strive to complete production and work tasks, and make contributions based on their own positions。

  (3) Abide by the Constitution and laws, practice the core socialist values, promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, abide by social ethics, professional ethics, family virtues, personal virtues, and observe labor discipline。

  (4) Correctly handle the relationship between the interests of the State, the collective and the individual, and fight against acts that endanger the interests of the state and society。

  (5) Safeguard the unity and unity of the Chinese working class and trade union organizations, promote class fraternity, and do a good job of mutual assistance and mutual relief。

  (6) Abide by the constitution of the trade union, implement the resolutions of the trade union, participate in the activities of the trade union, and pay the membership dues on a monthly basis。

  Article 5 The membership organization relationship changes with the labor (work) relationship, and the membership certificate shall be transferred。

  Article 6 Members have the freedom to withdraw from the association。The withdrawal of the member shall be submitted by the member to the trade union team, and the trade union grass-roots committee shall announce the withdrawal of the member and withdraw the membership card。

  If a member fails to pay membership dues or participate in the life of a trade union organization for six consecutive months without a valid reason, and refuses to make corrections after education, it shall be regarded as a voluntary withdrawal。

  Article 7 Members who fail to implement trade union resolutions and violate trade union articles of association shall be given criticism and education。Members who have committed serious violations of the law and are subject to criminal sanctions shall be expelled from the membership。The expulsion of a member shall be subject to discussion by the trade union group, and opinions shall be put forward, which shall be decided by the trade union grass-roots committee and reported to the trade union at the next level for the record。

  Article 8 Members may retain their membership if they retire, retire or become unemployed。Membership fee is waived during the retention period。

  Trade union organizations should be concerned about the lives of retired, retired and unemployed members and actively reflect their wishes and demands to the relevant parties。

Chapter II Organizational system

  Article 9 The Chinese trade unions practice democratic centralism, the main contents of which are as follows:

  (1) Individuals are subordinate to organizations, the minority is subordinate to the majority, and lower-level organizations are subordinate to higher-level organizations。

  (2) The leading bodies of trade unions at all levels, except the representative bodies dispatched by them, shall be democratically elected。

  (3) The highest leading organ of a trade union shall be the National Congress of the trade union and the Executive Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions formed by it。The local leading organs of the trade union at various levels are the local congresses of the trade union at various levels and the general trade union committees formed by them。

  (4) The trade union committees at all levels shall be responsible for and report their work to the members' general assembly or the members' representative assembly at the same level and accept the supervision of the members。The members' assembly and the members' congress shall have the right to replace or recall the representatives elected by them and the members of the trade union committee。

  (5) Trade union committees at all levels shall adopt a system combining collective leadership with division of labor and responsibility。All major issues are discussed democratically by the committee and decisions are made, and the members of the committee perform their duties in accordance with collective decisions and division of labor。

  (6) Trade union leading organs at all levels shall strengthen their leadership and service to lower-level organizations, regularly inform lower-level organizations of the situation, listen to the opinions of lower-level organizations and members, and study and solve the problems raised by them。Lower organizations shall promptly request instructions and report their work to higher organizations。

  Article 10 The selection of representatives and committees of the trade union congresses at all levels shall fully reflect the will of the electors。The list of candidates should be incubated and discussed thoroughly。The election shall be conducted by secret ballot. A formal election may be conducted directly by means of a differential election, in which the number of candidates exceeds the number of candidates to be elected, or a preliminary election may be conducted first by means of a differential election to produce a list of candidates and then a formal election。No organization or individual may in any way compel the electors to elect or not to elect a particular person。

  Article 11 Chinese trade unions practice the principle of organization and leadership by combining industry with local governments。Members of the same enterprise, public institution, government organ or other social organization are organized in a basic organization of a trade union;National or local industrial trade union organizations shall be established according to the needs of the same trade or several trades of similar nature。In addition to a small number of industries with vertical management system, the industrial unions practice dual leadership of the industrial union and the local trade union, with the industrial union as the main leader, and other industrial unions practice the local trade union leadership and accept the leadership of the superior industrial union。The leadership system of industrial trade unions shall be determined by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions。

  Local federation of trade unions shall be established in provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures, counties (banners), autonomous counties and cities not divided into districts。The local federation of trade unions is the leading organ of local trade unions and industrial trade unions。A unified All-China Federation of Trade Unions shall be established throughout the country。The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) is the leading organ of the national organization of local and industrial trade unions at all levels。

  Members of the executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and members of the National Committee of industrial trade unions shall be substituted, and members of local federation committees and local industrial trade union committees at all levels may also be substituted。

  Article 12 The local Federation of trade unions at or above the county level may, according to the needs of their work, dispatch representative organs。

  The trade union committee at or above the county level may, when it deems it necessary between the two congresses, convene a meeting of the delegates to discuss and decide on major issues that need to be resolved in a timely manner。The number of delegates to the conference and the method for their election shall be decided by the federation of trade unions convening the conference。

  The committees of the national industrial trade unions, local industrial trade unions at all levels, township trade unions and urban street trade unions may, in accordance with the principles of joint system and representative system, be composed of the main leaders democratically elected by the trade union organization at the next level and an appropriate proportion of representatives from relevant parties。

  The trade union at a higher level may send personnel to assist and guide the employees of the employing unit in forming a trade union。

  Article 13 The trade union congress at all levels shall elect a fund review committee at the same level。The All-China Federation of Trade Unions Fund Review Committee shall have a standing committee, and the provincial, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government fund Review Committee and the National industrial trade union Fund Review Committee which independently manages funds shall have a standing committee。The Fund review committee shall be responsible for reviewing the fund receipts and expenditures and asset management of the trade union organization at the same level and the enterprises and institutions directly under it, supervising the implementation of financial laws and regulations and the use of trade union funds, and accepting the guidance and supervision of the higher trade union fund review committee。The trade union fund review committee shall be responsible for and report its work to the members' assembly or the members' representative assembly at the same level;Be responsible for and report to the trade union committee at the same level when the general meeting is not in session。

  The fund review committee at a higher level shall examine the fund receipts and expenditures and asset management of the trade union at the next level and its enterprises and institutions directly under it。

  Members of the All China Federation of Trade Unions' Fund Review Committee shall be replaced. Members of the fund review committee of local trade unions at various levels and members of the fund review committee of industrial trade unions that independently manage funds may also be replaced。

  Article 14 Trade unions at all levels shall establish female staff and workers committees to express and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of female staff and workers。The female staff committee shall be nominated by the trade union committee at the same level, formed or elected on the basis of full consultation, and shall be established at the same time as the trade union committee and shall carry out its work under the leadership of the trade union committee at the same level。The female staff committee of an enterprise trade union is a group member of the women's federation at or above the county level, and receives business guidance from the women's federation through the local trade union at or above the county level。

  Article 15 Trade union organizations at or above the county level shall establish legal service institutions to provide services for the protection of the lawful rights and interests of workers and trade union organizations。

  Trade union organizations at all levels shall organize and represent employees to carry out labor legal supervision。

  Article 16 The establishment or dissolution of a trade union organization must be approved by the general assembly of its members or the congress of its members' representatives and submitted to the trade union at a higher level for approval。Where the enterprise in which the primary trade union organization is located terminates, or the public institution, government organ or other social organization in which it is located is abolished, the trade union organization shall be abolished accordingly and reported to the trade union at a higher level for the record。No other organization or individual may dissolve a trade union organization at will, nor may the organs of a trade union organization be dissolved, merged or assigned to other working departments。

Chapter III National organization

  Article 17 The National Congress of China's Trade unions shall be held once every five years and convened by the Executive Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions。Under special circumstances, the meeting may be advanced or postponed on the proposal of the presidium of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and approved by the plenary meeting of the Executive Committee。The number of deputies and the method for electing them shall be decided by the All China Federation of Trade Unions。

  Article 18 The functions and powers of the National Congress of China's Trade unions shall be as follows:

  (1) To examine and approve the work report of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions。

  (2) To examine and approve the report on the revenue and expenditure of funds of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the work report of the Fund Review Committee。

  (3) Amending the articles of Association of Chinese trade unions。

  4. To elect the ACFTU Executive Committee and the Fund Review Committee。

  Article 19 The Executive Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions shall, when the National Congress is not in session, be responsible for implementing the resolutions of the National Congress and leading the work of the trade unions throughout the country。

  The plenary meeting of the Executive Committee elects a chairman, a number of vice-chairmen and a number of presidium members to form the presidium。

  The plenary meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Presidium at least once a year。

  Article 20 The presidium of the Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions shall exercise the functions and powers of the executive Committee when the plenary session is not in session。Plenary meeting of the Presidium, convened by the Chairman。

  When the bureau is not in session, the Conference of Presidents composed of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen shall exercise the functions and powers of the presidium。The meeting of Chairmen was convened and presided over by the Chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions。

  The Presidium shall have a secretariat, which shall be composed of a first secretary and a number of secretaries elected by the presidium from among its members。The Secretariat shall, under the leadership of the presidium, conduct the daily work of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions。

  Article 21 The establishment of the national organization of an industrial trade union shall be determined by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions according to needs。

  With the approval of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the National Committee of industrial trade unions may be formed in accordance with the principles of joint system and representative system, or it may be elected by the National Congress of industrial trade unions。The term of office of the National Council is five years。When the term of office expires, a meeting shall be convened as scheduled to conduct a new election。Under special circumstances, with the approval of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the meeting may be advanced or postponed。

  The functions and powers of the National Congress of Industrial trade unions and the plenary session of the National Committee of Industrial Trade Unions, which is formed in accordance with the principles of joint system and representative system, are: to examine and approve the work report of the National Committee of Industrial Trade unions;To elect the National Committee of Industrial trade unions or the Standing Committee of the National Committee of Industrial trade unions。An industrial trade union that independently manages its funds shall elect a fund review committee and report its work to the national congress of the industrial trade union or to the plenary session of the committee。The Standing Committee of the National Committee of Industrial trade unions is composed of a chairman, a number of vice chairmen and a number of standing members。

Chapter IV Local organization

  Article 22 Trade union congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, cities divided into districts, autonomous prefectures, counties (banners), autonomous counties and cities not divided into districts shall be convened by the general trade union committee at the same level and held once every five years。Under special circumstances, the meeting may be advanced or postponed on the proposal of the Federation of trade unions at the same level and upon approval of the trade union at the next higher level。The functions and powers of the local congresses of trade unions are as follows:

  (1) To examine and approve the work reports of the Federation of Trade Unions committees at the corresponding levels。

  (2) To examine and approve the report on the revenue and expenditure of funds and the work report of the Fund review committee of the Federation of trade unions at the same level。

  (3) To elect the Federation of Trade Unions committee and the fund review Committee at the same level。

  Local trade union committees at various levels shall, when the congress is not in session, carry out the decisions of the trade union at the higher level and the resolutions of the trade union congress at the same level, lead the trade union work in their respective areas, and report regularly to the trade union committee at the higher level on their work。

  According to the needs of the work, the federation of trade unions of provinces and autonomous regions may set up representative offices in the regions。The federation of trade unions of municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities divided into districts shall establish a federation of trade unions at the district level。

  In counties and urban districts, township trade unions and neighborhood trade union organizations may be established in townships and subdistricts, and if conditions are met, a general trade union may be established。

  Article 23 The local federation of trade unions at various levels shall elect a chairman, a certain number of vice-chairmen and a certain number of standing members to form the Standing Committee。The results of the election of the trade union committee, the standing committee, the chairman, the vice chairman and the fund examination committee shall be reported to the general trade union at the next level for approval。

  The plenary session of the local Federation of trade unions at all levels shall be held at least once a year and shall be convened by the Standing Committee。The standing committees of local federation of trade unions at various levels shall exercise the functions and powers of the committees when the plenary sessions of the committees are not in session。

  Article 24 The establishment of local industrial trade union organizations at various levels shall be determined by the local federation of trade unions at the same level in the light of the actual conditions in their respective regions。

Chapter V Grassroots organizations

  Article 25 Grassroots units such as enterprises, public institutions, government organs and other social organizations shall establish trade union organizations according to law。Communities and administrative villages may establish trade unions。Based on actual conditions, regional and industrial trade union federations should be established to promote the construction of trade union organizations in new economic and new social organizations。

  If there are more than 25 members, a basic committee shall be established;If the number of members is less than 25, the primary trade union committee may be established independently, or the members of two or more units may jointly establish the primary trade union committee, and one organization member or chairman of the trade union may also be elected to preside over the work of the primary trade union。The basic committee of a trade union shall have a female staff committee with more than 10 female members, and a female staff committee with less than 10 members。

  The trade union of an enterprise or institution with more than 200 employees shall have a full-time chairman of the trade union。The number of full-time trade union staff shall be determined by the trade union through consultation with the enterprise and the institution。

  The basic-level trade union shall meet the requirements of a legal person and obtain the status of an association legal person according to law, and the chairman of the trade union shall be its legal representative。

  Article 26 The general assembly or the general assembly of the members of the primary trade union organization shall be held at least once a year。On the proposal of the primary trade union committee or more than one third of the trade union members, the general assembly or the member representative assembly may be convened temporarily。A basic trade union with less than 100 members shall convene a general meeting of its members。

  The functions and powers of a trade union general assembly or its members' congress are:

  (1) To examine and approve the work reports of the primary trade union committee。

  (2) To examine and approve the report on the revenue and expenditure of funds of the basic committee of the trade union and the work report of the Fund review committee。

  (3) To elect the primary trade union committee and the fund review committee。

  (4) To remove or recall the elected representatives or members of the trade union committee。

  (5) To discuss and decide on major issues concerning trade union work。

  The term of office of the basic trade union committee and the fund review committee shall be three to five years, and the specific term of office shall be determined by the general assembly of members or the general assembly of members。When the term of office expires, a meeting shall be convened as scheduled to conduct a new election。Under special circumstances, with the approval of the trade union at the next higher level, the meeting may be advanced or postponed。

  The members' congress shall have a permanent term of office with the same term as the trade union committee of the unit。

  Article 27 The members of the primary committee of a trade union shall be elected on the basis of thorough deliberation and consultation among the members or their representatives.The chairman and vice chairmen may be directly elected by the members' assembly or the members' representative assembly, or by the primary committee of the trade union。The trade union committee of a large enterprise or institution may set up a standing committee according to the needs of its work and with the approval of the trade union committee at a higher level。The results of the election of the primary committee, standing committee, chairman, vice chairman and fund examination committee of the trade union shall be submitted to the trade union at the next level for approval。

  Article 28 The basic tasks of the trade union grass-roots committee are as follows:

  (1) To carry out the resolutions of the members' assembly or the members' congress and the decisions of the higher trade union, and to preside over the daily work of the grassroots trade union。

  (2) To represent and organize the staff and workers to participate in the democratic management and supervision of their own units through the staff and workers' congress, the disclosure of factory affairs and other forms in accordance with the law, and to implement the system of staff and workers' directors and supervisors in corporate enterprises。The trade union committee of the enterprise and public institution is the working body of the workers' congress, responsible for the daily work of the workers' congress, inspecting and urging the implementation of the resolutions of the workers' congress。

  (3) To participate in the coordination of labor relations and mediation of labor disputes, establish a consultation system with the administrative authorities of enterprises and public institutions, and solve problems involving the vital interests of employees through consultation。To assist and guide employees to sign and perform labor contracts face-to-face with the administrative parties of enterprises and institutions, to sign collective contracts or other special agreements face-to-face with the administrative parties of enterprises and institutions on behalf of employees, and to supervise the implementation。

  (4) Organize employees to carry out activities such as labor and skill competitions, rationalization suggestions, skill training, technical innovation and technical cooperation, cultivate artisan talents, and summarize and promote advanced experience。Do a good job in the selection, commendation, training and management services of model workers and advanced production (work)。

  (5) Strengthen political guidance and ideological education for employees, carry out publicity and education on the rule of law, attach importance to humanistic care and psychological counseling, encourage and support employees to learn cultural science and technology and management knowledge, and carry out healthy cultural and sports activities。We will promote the cultural development of enterprise culture and staff, and do a good job in trade union culture, education and sports。

  (6) To supervise the implementation of relevant laws and regulations。Assist and urge the administration to do a good job in wage, production safety, occupational disease prevention and social insurance, and promote the implementation of employee welfare。We will do a good job in collective welfare programs for workers, improve their lives, and provide assistance to workers in need。To participate in the investigation and handling of production safety accidents and occupational disease hazards according to law。

  (7) Safeguard the special interests of female workers and fight against discrimination, abuse, destruction and persecution of female workers and staff。

  8. Improve the organization of trade unions and improve the democratic system and democratic life。Build and develop the ranks of trade union activists。Do a good job in membership development, acceptance, education and membership management。We will strengthen the construction of workers' homes。

  (9) To collect, manage and make good use of trade union funds, manage trade union assets and trade union enterprises and undertakings。

  Article 29 The trade unions of educational, scientific research, cultural, public health, sports and other institutions and government organs shall proceed from the characteristics of the relatively concentrated concentration of intellectual workers to carry out their work, actively understand and care about the thoughts, work and life of their workers, and promote the implementation of the Party's policy on intellectuals。Organize employees to do a good job in democratic management and democratic supervision of their own units, and create good conditions for giving full play to the talents of employees。

  Article 30 The basic trade union committee may establish a trade union committee in a branch factory or workshop (department) according to the work needs。The branch or workshop (department) trade union committee is elected by the branch or workshop (department) member assembly or member representative assembly, and the term of office is the same as that of the basic trade union committee。

  The basic committee of the trade union and the committee of the branch factory and workshop (department) may set up a number of special committees or special groups according to needs。

  Establish trade union groups according to production (administrative) teams, democratically elect trade union group leaders, and actively carry out trade union group activities。

Chapter VI: Trade union Cadres

  Article 31 Trade union organizations at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirements of being revolutionary, young, knowledgeable and professional, strive to build a contingent of cadres who adhere to the basic line of the Party, are familiar with their own duties, love trade union work and are trusted by the workers and staff。

  Article 32 Trade union cadres shall strive to:

  (一)认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Learn about politics, economics, history, culture, science and technology, law, and union business,Enhance political capacity,We will improve the people's ability to work。

  2. Implement the Party's basic line, principles and policies, abide by state laws and regulations, and be brave in breaking new ground in reform, opening up and socialist modernization。

  (3) Firm faith, loyalty to duty, hard work, courage to take on, honesty and public service, take the overall situation into account, and maintain unity。

  (4) insist on seeking truth from facts, seriously investigate and study, and truthfully reflect the opinions, wishes and requirements of employees。

  (5) adhere to principles, do not seek personal gains, enthusiastically speak for employees, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees in accordance with the law。

  (6) Work in a democratic manner, connect with the masses, enhance their awareness and feelings, and consciously accept criticism and supervision from the workers and workers。

  Article 33 Trade union organizations at all levels shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, administer trade union cadres, attach importance to the discovery, training and selection of outstanding young cadres, female cadres and cadres of ethnic minorities, and become important bases for training cadres。

  The chairman and vice chairman of a primary-level trade union shall not be transferred at will before their term of office expires。When a transfer is necessary for work, the consent of the trade union committee at the same level and the trade union at the next higher level shall be obtained in advance。

  Article 34 Trade union organizations at all levels shall establish and improve the cadre training system。Schools and training courses for trade union officials will be well run。

  Article 35 Trade union organizations at all levels shall pay attention to the thinking, study and life of trade union cadres, urge the implementation of corresponding treatment, support their work, and resolutely fight against acts of retaliation against trade union cadres。

  Trade unions at and above the county level shall establish funds for the protection of the rights and interests of trade union cadres to ensure that trade union cadres perform their duties according to law。

  Trade unions at or above the county level may select and employ staff members for grassroots trade unions。

Chapter VII Funds and Assets of the trade union

  Article 36 Sources of trade union funds:

  (1) Membership dues paid by members。

  (2) Funds allocated to the trade union by enterprises, public institutions, government organs and other social organizations at the rate of 2% of the total wages of all employees or preparatory funds for the establishment of the trade union。

  (3) Income turned over to the trade union by its affiliated enterprises and institutions。

  (4) Subsidies from the people's government, enterprises, institutions, government organs and other social organizations。

  (5) Other income。

  Article 37 Trade union funds shall be mainly used to serve the staff and workers and to carry out trade union activities。Trade union organizations at all levels should adhere to the correct direction of use, strengthen budget management, optimize the expenditure structure, and carry out supervision and inspection。

  Article 38 The trade union at or above the county level shall cooperate with the relevant departments of taxation, finance and so on to do a good job in collecting the trade union funds and allocating the trade union funds that should be borne by the finance in accordance with the provisions。

  Enterprises, public institutions, government organs and other social organizations that have not established trade unions shall pay the preparatory fund for trade union establishment to the trade unions at higher levels at the rate of 2% of the total wages。

  A trade union with the status of an association legal person shall establish an independent fund account in accordance with the law。

  Article 39 The assets of a trade union are those of a social organization, and the All China Federation of Trade Unions shall have the ultimate ownership of the assets of the trade unions at all levels。Trade unions at all levels shall strengthen the supervision and management of trade union assets in accordance with laws and regulations, protect trade union assets from damage, and promote the preservation and appreciation of trade union assets。In accordance with the principle of budgetary independence, we will establish a budget, final accounts, asset supervision and budgetary review and supervision system。It implements the financial system of "unified leadership and hierarchical management", the asset supervision system of "unified ownership, hierarchical supervision and unit use", and the fund examination and supervision system of "unified leadership, hierarchical management, hierarchical responsibility and lower audit level"。Measures for the management and use of trade union funds and assets, as well as the examination and supervision system for trade union funds, shall be formulated by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions。

  Article 40 The trade union committee at all levels shall, in accordance with the provisions, prepare and approve the budget and final accounts, report regularly to the general assembly of members or the congress of members' representatives and the trade union committee at the next higher level on the receipt and expenditure of funds and the management of assets, and accept the examination and supervision of the higher and the trade union fund review committee at the same level。

  Article 41 The funds and assets of a trade union and the real estate and assets formed by the funds allocated to the trade union by the State, enterprises and institutions shall be protected by law, and no unit or individual may seize, misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate;Without approval, the subordination relationship and property right relationship of the enterprise or institution to which the trade union belongs shall not be changed。

  If the trade union organization is merged, its financial assets shall be owned by the merged trade union;If a trade union organization is revoked or dissolved, its funds and assets shall be disposed of by the trade union at a higher level。

Chapter VIII Emblem

  Article 42 The emblem of the Chinese trade union shall be composed of the Chinese characters "Zhong" and "gong", which shall be composed of a circular overlap through artistic modeling, and a round line shall be added to the two characters to symbolize the unity and unity of the Chinese trade union and the Chinese working class。The standards for making the emblem shall be formulated by the All China Federation of Trade Unions。

  Article 43 The emblem of the Chinese trade union may be hung in the office places, activity places and meeting venues of the trade union, used as a trade union symbol on souvenirs and office supplies, or worn as a badge。

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

  Article 44 The power of interpretation of these Articles of Association shall be vested in the All China Federation of Trade Unions。


Source: Workers' Daily (October 28, 2018 Edition 01)

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